# Signature
ctrl A = 1;
ctrl A' = 1;
ctrl Mail = 0;
atomic ctrl M = 2;
ctrl Snd = 0;
ctrl Ready = 0;
ctrl New = 0;
ctrl Fun = 0;
# Sorts Def. A `sort` is a set of controls.
# Examples:
# a = {A}
# b = {Snd, Ready,New, Fun}
# x = {Mail}
# not_x = !{Mail}
# sort_ab = a | b
# Def. A `formation rule` is a set of predicates over sorts.
# Examples:
# a > b | e ~~> All children of an a-node have sort b|e
# a > b[1] & e[1] ~~> An a-node has exactly one b-child and an e-child
# a > b[2] & e[*] ~~> two b-chils ans zero or more e-children
# i ~ i ~~> An i-node may only be linked to i-nodes
# ......... to zero or more
# ......... to exactly two
# i ~ i & T ~~> An i-node may be linked to an i-node and an oouter name
# Grammar:
# phi ::= sort || !sort || sort | sort || sort & sort
# sort ::= name || name[i]
# i ::= 0...n || *
# Semantics:
# > |- name > phi <==> (all children of name) |- phi
# >> |- name >> phi <==> (all descendants of name) |- phi
# ~ |- name ~ phi <==> (all nodes linked to name) | phi
# Algorithms:
# > requires to check:
# - atomic controls
# - nesting
# - sharing
# - composition
# - match
# - instantiation maps
# Reaction rules
react snd =
A{a0}.Snd.(M{a1, v} | id) | Mail
A{a0} | Mail.(M{a1, v} | id);
react ready =
A{a}.Ready | Mail.(M{a, v} | id)
A{a} | Mail | {v};
react lambda =
A{a}.Fun --> A{a};
react new =
A{a0}.(New.(A'{a1} | id) | id)
A{a0}.(id | id) | A{a1}.(id | id)
@ [1, 2, 0, 2];
# Initial state
big a0 =
A{a}.Snd.(M{a, v_a} | Ready.Fun.1);
big a1 =
A{b}.Snd.(M{a, v_b});
big s0 =
a0 | a1 | Mail.1;
big phi = Mail.(M{a, v} | id);
# Reactive system
begin brs
init s0;
rules = [ {snd, ready, lambda, new} ];
preds = { phi };