Module Bigraph.Big

type t = {
p : Place.t;

Place graph

l : Link.Lg.t;

Link graph

n : Nodes.t;

Node set


The type of bigraphs.

type inter =
| Inter of int * Link.Face.t

Inter (i,n) creates an interface with ordinal i and names n.

The type of interfaces.



Raised when the composition in a sharing expression fails.

exception COMP_ERROR of inter * inter

Raised when the composition fails.

exception CTRL_ERROR of int * Link.Face.t

Raised when the arity of a control does not match the cardinality of a face. The first element is the arity while the second is the mismatching face.

exception ISO_ERROR of int * int

Raised when a Iso.t is not total. The first element is the cardinality of the domain while the second is the cardinality of the isomorphism's domain of definition.

Functions on interfaces

val inter_equal : inter -> inter -> bool

Equality over interfaces.

val string_of_inter : inter -> string

Compute the string representation of an interface.

val pp_inter : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> inter -> unit

Pretty printer.

val ord_of_inter : inter -> int

Compute the ordinal of an interface.

val face_of_inter : inter -> Link.Face.t

Compute the face (i.e. name-set) of an interface.

Functions on bigraphs

val to_string : t -> string

Compute the string representation of a bigraph. Example:

{(0, A:3),(1, A:3)}
2 2 0
({}, {}, {(0, 1), (1, 2)})
({}, {}, {(0, 2), (1, 1)})
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty printer.

val of_string : string -> t

Parse a string produced by Big.to_string to a value of type Big.t.

raises Invalid_argument

if the string cannot be parsed.

val parse : string -> t

Parse a bigraph. Example input format:

2 2 0 2
1 1 2 f
1 2 2 f

The first line specifies the number of regions, nodes, sites, and links in the displayed order. The second line lists the controls of the nodes. It follows the adjacency matrix for the place graph and a list of links. A link is open (closed) if the corresponding line terminates with t (f). Note this example corresponds to bigraph shown in the documentation of Big.to_string.

raises Invalid_argument

if the input cannot be parsed.

val to_dot : t -> string -> string

to_dot b n compute the string expressing bigraph b named n in dot format.

val inner : t -> inter

inner b computes the inner face of bigraph b.

val outer : t -> inter

outer b computes the outer face of bigraph b.

val apply : Iso.t -> t -> t

apply i b applies isomorphism i to bigraph b.

val placing : int list list -> int -> Link.Face.t -> t

placing l r f computes a placing with r regions by parsing list l. The format of l is the same as the input for Place.parse_placing. The link graph is the identity over face f.

val size : t -> int

Compute the size of a bigraph as the sum of the cardinalities of the node set and edge set.

Elementary bigraphs

val id : inter -> t

Identity over interface i.

val id_eps : t

The empty identity.

val merge : int -> t

Bigraph consisting of one region and n sites.

val split : int -> t

Bigraph consisting of one site and n regions.

val one : t

Elementary bigraph consisting of one region.

val zero : t

Elementary bigraphs consisting of one site.

val sym : inter -> inter -> t

Symmetry on interfaces i and j.

val ion : Link.Face.t -> Ctrl.t -> t

ion ns c computes an ion of control c. It's outer names are ns. No arity check is performed.

val ion_chk : Link.Face.t -> Ctrl.t -> t

Same as Big.ion but with arity check.


when the set of names has size different than the arity of c.

val atom : Link.Face.t -> Ctrl.t -> t

Same as Big.ion but without the site.

val atom_chk : Link.Face.t -> Ctrl.t -> t

Same as Big.ion_chk but without the site.


when the set of names has size different than the arity of c.

val sub : inner:Link.Face.t -> outer:Link.Face.t -> t

sub inner outer computes a substitution where inner and outer are the inner and outer faces, respectively.

val closure : Link.Face.t -> t

closure f computes the closure of interface f.

val intro : Link.Face.t -> t

intro f computes an empty bigraph providing a fresh set of names f. This function is the dual of Big.closure.


val close : Link.Face.t -> t -> t

close f b closes names in f. Example: \x0 \x1 b.

val comp : t -> t -> t

comp a b computes the composition of bigraphs a and b, a ∘ b using the algebraic notation.


when the mediating interfaces do not match.

val comp_of_list : t list -> t

comp_of_list bs computes the composition of all the bigraphs in list bs.


when the mediating interfaces do not match.

val comp_seq : start:int -> stop:int -> (int -> t) -> t

comp_seq ~start ~stop f computes the composition f(start) * ... * f(stop - 1).


when the mediating interfaces do not match.

val nest : t -> t -> t

nest a b computes the bigraph resulting from nesting bigraph b in bigraph a. Common names are shared.


if composition cannot be performed.

val par : t -> t -> t

par a b computes the merge product of bigraphs a and b, a ∣ b using the algebraic notation.

val par_of_list : t list -> t

par_of_list bs computes the merge product of all the bigraphs in list bs.

val par_seq : start:int -> stop:int -> (int -> t) -> t

par_seq ~start ~stop f computes the composition f(start) | ... | f(stop - 1).

val ppar : t -> t -> t

ppar a b computes the parallel product of bigraphs a and b, a ∥ b using the algebraic notation.

val ppar_of_list : t list -> t

ppar_of_list bs computes the parallel product of all the bigraphs in list bs.

val ppar_seq : start:int -> stop:int -> (int -> t) -> t

ppar_seq ~start ~stop f computes the composition f(start) || ... || f(stop - 1).

val rename : inner:Link.Face.t -> outer:Link.Face.t -> t -> t

rename inner outer b renames the names in in to the names in out. The outer names in b not in inner are left untouched.

val share : t -> t -> t -> t

share f psi g computes the bigraphs obtained by sharing bigraph f in bigraph g by using placing psi.


if psi is not a placing.


if one composition cannot be performed.

val tens : t -> t -> t

tens a b computes the tensor product of bigraphs a and b, a ⊗ b using the algebraic notation.


when a and b have shared names.

val tens_of_list : t list -> t

tens_of_list bs computes the tensor product of all the bigraphs in list bs.


when two addends have shared names.

val tens_seq : start:int -> stop:int -> (int -> t) -> t

tens_seq ~start ~stop f computes the composition f(start) + ... + f(stop - 1).


when two addends have shared names.


val is_id : t -> bool

is_id b returns true if bigraph b is an identity, false otherwise.

val is_plc : t -> bool

is_plc b returns true if bigraph b is a placing, false otherwise.

val is_wir : t -> bool

is_wir b returns true if bigraph b is a wiring, false otherwise.

val is_epi : t -> bool

is_epi b returns true if bigraph b is epimorphic, false otherwise. A bigraph is epimorphic if both its place graph and link graph are epimorphic. See Place.is_epi and Link.is_epi.

val is_mono : t -> bool

is_mono b returns true if bigraph b is monomorphic, false otherwise. A bigraph is monomorphic if both its place graph and link graph are monomorphic. See Place.is_mono and Link.is_mono.

val is_guard : t -> bool

is_guard b returns true if bigraph b is an guarded, false otherwise. A bigraph is guarded if both its place graph and link graph are guarded. See Place.is_guard and Link.is_guard.

val is_solid : t -> bool

is_solid b returns true if bigraph b is solid, false otherwise. A bigraph is solid if it is epimorphic, monomorphic, and guarded. See Big.is_epi, Big.is_mono, and Big.is_guard.

val is_ground : t -> bool

is_ground b returns true if bigraph b is ground, false otherwise. A bigraph is ground if its place graph and link graph are both ground. See Place.is_ground and Link.is_ground.


val decomp : target:t -> pattern:t -> i_n:Iso.t -> i_e:Iso.t -> Fun.t -> t * t * t

decomp t p i_n i_e f_e computes the decomposition of target t given pattern p, node isomorphism i_n and edge isomorphism i_e. The isomorphism are from p to t. The elements in the result are the context, the parameter and the identity of the decomposition. Argument f_e is a total function from links in the pattern to links in the target.

type big_key = int

The type of bigraphs keys.

val key : t -> big_key

Compute the key of a bigraph. The key is similar to a hash. Note that different bigraphs can have the same key.

val rewrite : (Iso.t * Iso.t * Fun.t) -> s:t -> r0:t -> r1:t -> Fun.t option -> t

rewrite o ~s ~r0 ~r1 eta computes a bigraph obtained by replacing the occurrence of ~r0 (specified by occurrence o) in ~s with eta ~r1, where eta is a valid (no check performed) instantiation map.

raises Place.NOT_PRIME

when b is not prime decomposable.