Module Bigraph.Rs

type rs_type =

Bigraphical Reactive Systems


Probabilistic Bigraphical Reactive Systems


Stochasrtic Bigraphical Reactive Systems


Nondeterministic Bigraphical Reactive Systems

The type of reactive system kinds.

val string_of_rs_type : rs_type -> string

String representation of a reactive system kind.

type stats = {
time : float;

Build time

states : int;

Number of states

trans : int;

Number of transitions

occs : int;

Number of occurrences


The type of execution statistics for reactive systems.

val stats_descr : stats -> (string * string * bool) list

Return a description of the execution statistics. It consists of a list of triples in the form (description, value, flag), where flag is true if the corresponsing property changes across executions, e.g. build time.

module type G = sig ... end

Input signature of the functor TsType.Make representing a directed graph data structure.

module type L = sig ... end

Input signature of the functor Rs.Make representing the type of computation limit.

module type K = sig ... end

Input signature of the functor Rs.Make describing the kind of reactive system.

module type RS = sig ... end

Output signature of the functor Rs.Make.

module Make : functor (S : Solver.M) -> functor (R : React.T) -> functor (P : Priority.P with type r_t := R.t and type r_label := R.label) -> functor (L : L with type l = R.label) -> functor (G : G with type l = R.label) -> functor (K : K) -> RS with type react = R.t and type ac := and type label = R.label and type graph = G.t and type limit = L.t

Functor building a concrete implementation of a reactive system.