###### Savannah model

###### Controls

ctrl Locale = 1;
ctrl Localeattack = 1;
ctrl Aura = 1;
fun ctrl Area(i) = 1;

atomic ctrl Lion = 1;
atomic ctrl Lionattack = 2;
atomic ctrl Liongroup = 2;

atomic ctrl Impala = 1;
atomic ctrl Impalaseen = 2;
atomic ctrl Impalaheld = 2;

atomic ctrl Field = 0;

atomic fun ctrl GPS(i) = 1;

atomic ctrl Child = 1;
atomic ctrl Childattack = 1;
atomic ctrl Childgroup = 1;

###### Rules of the game

big attack_lhs =
  Child{a} || Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | Impala{b} | id(1));
big attack_rhs =
  /l (Childattack{a} || Localeattack{m}.(Lionattack{a,l} | Impalaseen{b,l} | id(1)));

react attack =
  attack_lhs -> attack_rhs;

react timeout1 =
  attack_rhs -> attack_lhs;

react join1 =
  /l (Child{a} || Childattack{a'} || (Lion{a} | Lionattack{a',l} | Impalaseen{b,l}))
  /l (Childgroup{a} || Childgroup{a'} || (Liongroup{a,l} | Liongroup{a',l} | Impalaheld{b,l}));

react timeout2 =
  /l (Childgroup{a} || Childgroup{a'} || Localeattack{m}.(
        Liongroup{a,l} | Liongroup{a',l} | Impalaheld{b,l} | id(1))
  Child{a} || Child{a'} || Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | Lion{a'} | Impala{b} | id(1));
react join2 =
  /l (Child{a} ||  (Lion{a} | Liongroup{a',l} | Liongroup{a'',l} | Impalaheld{b,l}))
  /l (Childgroup{a} ||  (Liongroup{a,l} | Liongroup{a',l} | Liongroup{a'',l} | Impalaheld{b,l}));

fun react kill(i) =
  /b/l (Childgroup{a} || Childgroup{a'} || Childgroup{a''} ||
        Localeattack{m}.(Liongroup{a,l} | Liongroup{a',l} | Liongroup{a'',l} | Impalaheld{b,l} | id(1)) ||
  Child{a} || Child{a'} || Child{a''} || Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | Lion{a'} | Lion{a''} | id(1)) || 1;      

###### Rules for GPS update
# Positions p,p' in area a       
fun react mov1(a,p,p') =
  /m (Area(a){m}.(GPS(p){a} | id(1)) || Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | id(1)))
  /m (Area(a){m}.(GPS(p'){a} | id(1)) || Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | id(1)));

# Position p in area a, position p' in area a'       
fun react mov2(a,a',p,p') =
  /m/m' ((Area(a){m}.(GPS(p){a} | id(1)) | Area(a'){m'}) || (Locale{m}.(Lion{a} | id(1)) | Locale{m'}))
  /m/m' ((Area(a){m} | Area(a'){m'}.(GPS(p'){a} | id(1))) || (Locale{m} | Locale{m'}.(Lion{a} | id(1))));

###### Rules for the human perspective

big children = id(1) || Child{a} || Child{a'} || id(1);       
big auras = (Aura{a} | Aura{a'}) || id(2,{a,a'});
big phi = ([{0}, {0,2}, {1,3}, {1}], 4);     
big psi = ([{0}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,3}, {1}], 4);

react aura_join =
  share children by phi in auras 
  share children by psi in auras;

react aura_disjoin =
  share children by psi in auras 
  share children by phi in auras;

###### Initial configuration: three girls, a boy, and an impala problem     

big girls =
  share (Child{g} || Child{g'} || Child{g''})
  by ([{0,1,2}, {0,1,2}, {0,1,2}], 3) 
  in (Aura{g} | Aura{g'} | Aura{g''} || id{g, g',g''});     
big boy = Aura{b}.Child{b};       
big field =
  ((Field | girls | boy) ||
   (Locale{m}.(Lion{g} | Impala{i}) | Locale{m'}.(Lion{g'} | Lion{g''}) | Locale{m''}.(Lion{b})) ||
   (Area(0){m}.(GPS(1){g} | GPS(0){i}) | Area(1){m'}.(GPS(2){g'} | GPS(3){g''}) | Area(2){m''}.(GPS(4){b})));

###### Bigraphical reactive system

begin brs
  # Area 0
  int p0, p0' = {0, 1, 5, 6, 8};
  # Area 1
  int p1, p1' = {2, 3, 7, 10, 11};
  # Area 2
  int p2, p2' = {4, 9};

  # Initial configuratino
  init field;
  # GPS events only for the example trace     
  rules = [
    { attack, timeout1, join1, timeout2, join2, kill(0),
      # Update within the same area  
      mov1(0, p0, p0'), mov1(1, p1, p1'), mov1(2, p2, p2'),
      # Updates 0 -> 1
      mov2(0, 1, p0, p1),
      # Updates 0 -> 2
      mov2(0, 2, p0, p2),
      # Updates 1 -> 0
      mov2(1, 0, p1, p0),
      # Updates 1 -> 2
      mov2(1, 2, p1, p2),
      # Updates 2 -> 0
      mov2(2, 0, p2, p0),
      # Updates 2 -> 1
      mov2(2, 1, p2, p1) }
      # Moves in the problem trace 
      # mov2(1, 0, 2, 5), mov2(1, 0, 3, 6), mov2(0, 1, 5, 7),
      # mov2(2, 0, 4, 8), mov2(0, 2, 8, 9),
      # Reverse moves
      # mov2(0, 1, 5, 2), mov2(0, 1, 6, 3), mov2(1, 0, 7, 5),
      # mov2(0, 2, 8, 4), mov2(2, 0, 9, 8),
      # Other moves
      # mov2(0, 1, 1, 10), mov2(1, 0, 10, 1),
      # mov2(2, 1, 4, 11), mov2(1, 2, 11, 4) }